The Overview of Early Learning Materials Development


  • Pu Meng



Early learning; learning materials; the importance of early learning materials.


“Learning resources” encompass a broad range of tools for educational purposes, such as textbooks, video content, graded reading materials, interactive games, online platforms, smartphones, and even dialogues that serve an instructional role. The study of early language learning materials did not last long, and it was not until the 1990s that they were formally treated as a separate academic field. Before that, it was considered less important than a teacher’s teaching performance. It seems that people cannot decide what is the most important in the process of education, but it can be said that learning materials are important. Learning languages early is crucial for a child’s development, and resources like picture books, audiobooks, language learning apps, and play-based activities enhance vocabulary, pronunciation, and sentence structure. Early language education teachers should recognize individual differences, create a language-rich environment, and provide positive feedback, while also engaging parents in the learning process. Material writers should develop simple, culturally diverse, interactive, and relevant content, ensuring it is tested and validated by educational experts for efficacy in teaching young learners.


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How to Cite

Meng, P. (2024). The Overview of Early Learning Materials Development. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, 34, 1-5.