Exploring Factors That Obstacle the Gender Equality Education of Asian Society
Gender equality, Education, Stereotype, Gender Issues, Gender education.Abstract
Within the past decades, research has been increasingly drawn toward understanding the factors that are obstacles to gender equality education in Asian society. However, examining the hindering factors requires research of its breadth and underlying mechanisms from an interdisciplinary approach. This paper begins by reviewing gender education in relation to its concept and significance. The main influencing factors are then explored from a macro-environmental perspective, including supportive policies, economic conditions, and relevant talents. Research shows that significant consideration should be given to the lack of top-level policy support, high learning stress on learners, insufficient distribution of economic funds, the current situation of gender opposition, and stereotypes and the solidification of Feudal ideas. For suggestions related to gender equality education, in addition to improving sex education, from the perspective of women of all ages, Asian fertility policies and corporate maternity leave policies need to be further optimized. The specific implementation of gender equality education courses can refer to examples from other developed regions outside East Asia while encouraging the development of people’s thinking and creating an open, equal, and free new society.
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