Study on the Role and Influence of AI in Personalized Learning for Second Language Acquisition


  • Yuxuan Li



Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Educational Technology, Personalized Learning, Adaptive Learning.


The combination of AI and second language acquisition can help to provide personalized teaching content and adjust learning more dynamically so that students can improve their learning efficiency and learning effect. Therefore, the use of AI in SLA has received widespread attention, but its accuracy and usability are still insufficient. This paper analyzes the particularity of SLA teaching and the application of AI in SLA, especially its potential to meet the unique needs of learners, optimize learning paths, and improve teaching efficiency. This paper concludes that the combination of teacher and AI is more ideal than the use of AI alone. Based on this, this paper proposes a new pedagogy that fully implements teacher-AI collaborative teaching in SLA. These improvements will promote a more effective language learning environment while strengthening the role of technology in supporting education, and these strategies will drive SLA teaching practices in a more personalized and technology-driven direction.


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How to Cite

Li, Y. (2024). Study on the Role and Influence of AI in Personalized Learning for Second Language Acquisition. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, 38, 125-131.