The Influence and Application of ChatGPT in the Teaching Reflection of International Chinese Teachers
International Chinese teachers, teaching reflection, ChatGPT.Abstract
The appearance and use of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) has a great impact on the field of international Chinese education. The research on the combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language has attracted extensive attention from scholars, but there are relatively few studies on the combination of AI and teaching reflection of international Chinese teachers. This paper is to analyze the influence and application of ChatGPT in the teaching reflection of international Chinese teachers. It is concluded that ChatGPT plays a certain role in the reflection which is about teachers, students, and teaching media and environment. Based on this conclusion, the paper proposes the following suggestions: Through ChatGPT, these teachers could ensure that their attention continues to focus on information related to students' knowledge growth, and they can also provide individualized language practice and learning resources for students according to their language background. But at the same time, teachers need to pay attention to the maintenance of professional level and the improvement of human-AI interactive negotiation competence (HAINC).
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