Research of Turkish Earthquake Reports Based on Resonance Theory


  • Jiayi Hao



Distant Suffering, Resonance, Social Media.


The purpose of this study is to examine the public's perception of the distant suffering of the alienation phenomenon and its treatment in the era of social media. The study uses resonance theory to investigate that the media affects the public perception of distant suffering and elicits moral reflection and emotional resonance in the context of globalization and technological acceleration. This research explains the fundamental ideas of resonance theory, including how to build the axes of resonance and how to look for harmonious resonance in an accelerating society between people and the community. Through the balancing techniques of social media in catastrophe coverage, the paper investigates the case of the Turkish earthquake to demonstrate the reasons for public perception fatigue and the methods by which individuals can get involved in humanitarian efforts.


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How to Cite

Hao, J. (2024). Research of Turkish Earthquake Reports Based on Resonance Theory. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, 38, 250-264.