Shelley's Optimistic Attitudes Inspired by Nature in His Poems


  • Lu Zhang



Shelley, freedom, optimistic attitude, future


This thesis chooses Shelley's concept of nature as the main theme. It analyzes some representative poems written by Shelley and finds out Shelley's views on nature. For Shelley, nature is a rich source of truth. Nature teaches us a lot of things. Freedom and ideality are the main themes in Shelley's poems. For his age, the social background is full of revolution. It is certain that Shelley should become a revolutionary poet. Like in Queen Mab and Prometheus Unbound, we can find his strong desire for freedom. Even in The Cloud, Shelley hopes to be like the cloud because it is free and happy. Shelley also shows to us a kind of optimistic attitude towards life and future. To a Skylark may be a typical one. Shelley is just like the skylark; he pursues being in harmony with nature. These two main themes seem to be the basic views of Shelley's concept of nature.


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[1] Brooks, Cleanth and Robert Penn Warren, Understanding Poetry [M]. Shanghai: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2004

[2] Liu Bingshan. A Short History of English Literature [M]. Zhengzhou: Henan People's Press, 1993.

[3] M. H. Abram. The Norton Anthology of English Literature 5h edition, vol.2[M]. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1986.

[4] Zhang Jian, Zhao Dong, Wang Wenlin. Selected Reading in British and American Poetry [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008




How to Cite

Zhang, L. (2024). Shelley’s Optimistic Attitudes Inspired by Nature in His Poems. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, 41, 15-18.