Video Game Addiction: Formation and Impact on Human Life


  • Kexin Fan
  • Xuyin Zhang



video game addiction, self-control, self-esteem, Parental rearing styles, DES, depression, anxiety.


Video game addiction has become a severe problem within the context of the rapid growth of technological society. Past researches show that although a thorough conclusion of the mechanism of video game addiction has already been built. However, the gap in the impacts of behavioral disorders on human life and social connection remains. The aim of the review is to connect recent research related to development and effects and to connect many aspects of how video game addiction affects people’s lives. The formation and development of video game addiction and its possible impacts were examined separately, as the current studies focus on predicting future trends of video game addiction. The results show a correlation entre video game addiction and different personal factors such as mental health, parental factors, and gender differences. It also highlights the prominent correlation between different types of impacts and the addictive use of video games in both physical and psychological views. Studies are limited by the difficulty of controlling variables produced by time passing, and the vague boundary of social contact between the video game world and reality is also unfinished work. The results of this research lead to the conclusion that additional work is needed to be finished on experimenting with the possibility of genetic and physiological factors that may interrupt and affect the formation of video game addiction and Internet Gaming disorder (IGD). It will provide more opportunities for patients and people suffering from this unconventional type of addiction.


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How to Cite

Fan, K., & Zhang, X. (2023). Video Game Addiction: Formation and Impact on Human Life. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, 8, 1604-1608.