A Study of China’s Nascent Tea Drink Industry to Explore the Possibility of Africa’s Nascent Tea Market


  • Yifan Yang




Nascent Tea Drinks, China’s Tea Drink Market, Africa’s Tea Drink Market, SWOT Analysis


As the global economy continues to burgeon after the pandemic, nascent tea drinks which are first invented in China are becoming more and more popular since they are both tasty and healthful. The paper mainly researches China’s nascent tea drink market and critically investigates the possibility of applying the business mode to the African market which is currently unexplored. In terms of China’s market, development history, industry chain, consumer concerns, and a case study of HEYTEA--a well-known nascent tea brand in China--are discussed to advance the knowledge of nascent tea industry and the implications of establishing the nascent tea drink market in African countries. After the analysis of China’s market, a SWOT analysis and recommended practices about establishing the nascent tea drink markets in African countries are later discussed in the paper. The SWOT analysis mainly discusses the benefits and drawbacks of developing nascent tea drink market in Africa and the potential threats and opportunities.


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How to Cite

Yang, Y. (2024). A Study of China’s Nascent Tea Drink Industry to Explore the Possibility of Africa’s Nascent Tea Market. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 24, 1901-1906. https://doi.org/10.54097/xq9tyk82