The impact of R&D investment and diversification on the innovation performance of enterprises


  • Panpan Cao



R&D investment; Diversified; innovation performance; Digital transformation.


In the context of digitalization, the accumulation of R&D investment activities and enterprises with high digital technologies and diversified partners and innovation networks and knowledge can adapt to the rapidly changing market and show excellent performance, which in turn affects the innovation performance of digital transformation.By retrieving the previous literature on the impact of R&D investment activities, diversification, including strategic diversification, and partner diversification on the innovation performance of enterprises, this study collates the accumulation of R&D investment activities to help enterprises cope with sudden crises, carry out digital transformation, and in the supply chain network, the higher the degree of diversification of partners owned by enterprises, the more new knowledge of low redundancy is understood, thereby improving the innovation performance of enterprises.


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How to Cite

Cao, P. (2024). The impact of R&D investment and diversification on the innovation performance of enterprises. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 29, 94-102.