Research on pricing and replenishment based on optimal programming model


  • Chaolan Chen
  • Xi Wu



Cluster Analysis, Least Square Method, Time Series, Correlation Analysis.


This paper studies the law and correlatoin of different categories of vegetable commodities, and makes the total amount of replenishment and pricing strategy of each vegetable category in the next week, so as to maximize the profit of supermarket. Firstly, the correlatoin between different categories of vegetable products was analyzed based on Pearson correlatoin analysis. The results showed that flower-leaf, cauliflower, pepper had strong correlatoin with edible fungi, while aquatic rhizome and solanaceae had relatively low correlatoin with other categories of vegetables. Then, the monthly and daily sales volume of each category and single vegetable were counted, and the monthly, weekly and daily distribution function of each category and single vegetable was obtained by fitting with Python software using the least square method. The vegetable category cluster analysis based on systematic clustering was used to cluster 6 categories of vegetables, and the 6 categories of vegetables were divided into 3 categories. Then the least square method was used to fit the processed data, and the fitting function expression between the sales volume and the cost plus pricing of each category of vegetables was obtained. The replenishment quantity decision model based on time series was established, and the daily replenishment quantity decision of each vegetable category in the next week was obtained. Finally, according to the correlatoin between sales volume and price, the optimal pricing model based on dynamic market demand is established, and the most reasonable pricing is obtained and the optimal replenishment decision is made to maximize the profit of supermarket.


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How to Cite

Chen, C., & Wu, X. (2024). Research on pricing and replenishment based on optimal programming model. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 29, 141-148.