The Impact of Innovative Activities in the Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry on Corporate Market Value
Innovative drugs, Innovative drug market research, Enterprise market value, Corporate financial management.Abstract
Innovative drugs refer to drugs with independent intellectual property patents. With the gradual improvement of China's intellectual property status, research on innovative drugs will bring high profits to enterprises. The innovative drug industry has always been in the eyes of investors in today's social conditions. At the same time, as an emerging investment option, what indicators will affect the changes in the market value of innovative drug companies is available for everyone to discuss. In this article, through the collection of Chinese innovation Companies in the pharmaceutical industry conducted linear regression analysis and found that the impact of corporate market value is closely related to innovation activities. At the same time, it was found that patent activities related to innovation activities will have a marginal effect and have a certain negative correlation. This article aims to help companies in the innovative drug industry find ways to increase their market value and help investors see the good news brought about by innovative activities in the stock market.
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