Is the Fama French model robust in the Chinese stock market?
The main board market, second board, Fama-French, explanation power.Abstract
Many previous studies have analyzed the different stock return models in various segments of the Chinese stock market. This essay analyzes the Fama-French five factors and three factors model in the main board, the second board, and STAR market. It finds that the three-factor models are efficient in all three markets expect for the STAR market, while the five-factor model is inefficient in testing the second board market alone and overall efficient in testing the mixed market and the STAR market. Furthermore, it is also found that the MKT factors are the most significant contributors to the portfolio excess return in all six situations. The HML and SML factors also exhibit constant relations with the portfolio return. Besides, it is found that HML and SMB factors are not significantly correlated with the stock’s performance on the STAR market. Overall, the relative efficiency of Fama French's three and five-factor model in explaining these markets is proved. Investors can use these two models to analyze the stock return and earn profit in the next period, and policymakers can also employ this model to understand the market and decide suitable fiscal and monetary policies.
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