A Financial Analysis and Valuation of Home Depot


  • Yinan Pan




Financial Valuation, Home Improvement Corporation, Strategy, Risk Assessment.


This study aims to research and analyze the firm’s valuation of Home Depot by exploring the company’s background and recent events, evaluating company performance, forecasting future development, and discovering the firm’s strategy and risk. The performance evaluation uses liquidity, solvency, and profitability to assess the firm operations and use of resources. The additional valuation adopts current and next year’s forecast financial data to measure the company’s EPS and revenue growth rate, P/E, PEG, and GP/A ratios. The results show that Home Depot has high liquidity, high profitability, and low solvency from its operational performance, as well as a high long-term valuation forecast in the home improvement retail industry. This consequence implies that Home Depot may have efficient business management and sound financial health by effectively meeting short-term obligations and using assets to generate revenue. Meanwhile, the company may also pose several risks, including an unstable economic environment, difficulty meeting long-term obligations, the continued decline in annual gross margins and ROIC, and potential stock overvaluation for investors.


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How to Cite

Pan, Y. (2024). A Financial Analysis and Valuation of Home Depot. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 40, 694-699. https://doi.org/10.54097/0qpy3n26