The Impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure Quality on Stock Price Volatility in Heavily Polluted Industries - Based on Chinese Listed Companies


  • Haiyu Hu



ESG disclosure quality, stock price volatility, heavily polluted industries.


Facing natural disasters caused by the destruction of ecosystems, the world is paying increasing attention to the protection of ecosystems. Meanwhile, investors are particularly concerned about enterprises' environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, which is considered to be crucial to long-term development and value improvement. Currently, access to ESG information relies mainly on proactive disclosure by companies. Although China attaches great importance to corporate ESG disclosure, the quality of many companies' ESG disclosures remains poor, especially in heavily polluted industries. As China’s financial market matures, more and more investors may utilize stock price volatility to assess investment risk and then make investment decisions. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the impact of ESG disclosure quality on stock price volatility in heavily polluted industries. Taking listed companies in China's heavily polluted industries as the research object, this paper explores the impact of ESG disclosure quality on stock price volatility in heavily polluted industries by building a two-way fixed-effects regression model. This paper chooses Bloomberg Data Terminal's scores on ESG disclosure quality of companies and takes 2012 to 2020 as the research interval. Ultimately, this paper launches the study based on 693 data from 77 sample companies. After regression analysis and robustness test, the following conclusion is drawn: ESG disclosure quality and stock price volatility of heavily polluted companies show a positive correlation.


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How to Cite

Hu, H. (2024). The Impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure Quality on Stock Price Volatility in Heavily Polluted Industries - Based on Chinese Listed Companies. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 40, 718-729.