Strategy Analysis of Enhancing User Stickiness on Online Karaoke Platforms ---Taking We Sing as an Example


  • Xibei Dong



User Stickiness, Positive Feedback Loop, Online Karaoke, Operational Strategy.


With the development of the information era, online karaoke apps have emerged as one of the ways for people to entertain themselves online, providing convenient mobile personal karaoke services for the public. This article analyzes the current situation of the platform in the market and the specific situation of user stickiness based on the current user activity of We Sing. This article starts with the platform's network effect and positive feedback loop, analyzes the ways to enhance user stickiness, and, based on this, explores the innovative ideas of the platform. Finally, based on the purpose of enhancing user stickiness, this article gives some suggestions that are made for the online karaoke platform's future development direction. The research results show that We Sing has effectively increased user stickiness through a series of innovative measures. Specifically, by optimizing the intelligent recommendation mechanism, the platform not only promotes interaction and communication among users but also enhances the stickiness between users and the platform. At the same time, it develops new sections and features, continuously bringing freshness and surprises to users, and effectively extending their usage time and frequency. In addition, through the strategy of mutual attraction between online and offline, We Sing not only consolidates the existing user base but also attracts a large number of new users to register and participate.


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How to Cite

Dong, X. (2024). Strategy Analysis of Enhancing User Stickiness on Online Karaoke Platforms ---Taking We Sing as an Example. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 46, 20-27.