Psychological Analysis of the Audience of TikTok Popular Content
Popular content, audience psychology, information push, entertainment demand.Abstract
With the rapid growth and continuous iteration of Internet technology, it has profoundly transformed the way information is disseminated and gradually infiltrated into every aspect of modern life, becoming an indispensable companion for people. In this era of information explosion, the Internet is not only a vast repository of knowledge and entertainment but also a new arena for personal expression and social interaction. In addition, the development of artificial intelligence has made the audience no longer passively receive information, greatly enhancing the interaction between communication and reception. This paper uses relevant data to analyze the transformation of user information acquisition methods, TikTok's unique information push mechanism, TikTok’s personalized popular content cases, and users' diversified needs, to show how TikTok accurately caters to the psychological demands of different user groups, and to explore the audience psychology represented by TikTok's popular content. Research shows that TikTok meets users' psychological expectations and needs in the fields of information acquisition, entertainment, relaxation, knowledge development, shopping, and consumption through accurate push, rich and diverse content, and powerful functions.
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