Linking Viral Marketing to Brand Awareness: The Case of Red Bull


  • Qinyao Zhang



Viral marketing, Brand awareness, Red Bull.


Viral marketing deeply reveals the mechanism by which information spreads naturally in social networks. Through viral marketing, brands are able to achieve better results in terms of brand awareness compared to traditional marketing methods. This paper examines and analyzes how Red Bull used viral marketing strategy to increase its brand awareness in the global market. The study demonstrates the importance of this strategy in an era of globalization of markets and digitalization of information. Using the Red Bull marketing case as a backdrop, the article examines Red Bull's marketing activities and performance based on a case study approach and analyzes the reasons for its success in conjunction with data. The results of the study show that Red Bull has succeeded in expanding brand awareness globally and increasing consumer loyalty through the creation and sponsorship of extreme sports and compelling cultural events, as well as the effective use of social media platforms to enhance consumer interaction and connectivity. The conclusion of the study emphasizes the effectiveness and importance of viral marketing in modern branding strategies by analyzing Red Bull's marketing strategies.


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How to Cite

Zhang, Q. (2024). Linking Viral Marketing to Brand Awareness: The Case of Red Bull. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 46, 58-64.