Discussion and Innovation of Content Marketing Based on User Portrait Generation -- Taking Salomon as an Example


  • Yuxi Zhao




User portrait, Content marketing, Consumer behavior, Personalized.


Salomon through the collection of a large number of data to build user portraits, precise positioning of the target market, the creation of personalized content, successful on the basis of the original steady expansion of potential target customer base. The research points out that there are still some problems in the application of user portraits in content marketing, such as insufficient accuracy of user portraits and user dynamics, and the corresponding solutions are proposed. Through the construction of user portrait and content marketing integration model, interaction model and consumer behavior, user portrait and content marketing triangle dynamic model, emphasizing the importance of in-depth market research, multi-dimensional data analysis, accurate push content and continuous optimization. This study is of great significance in both theory and practice, which helps enterprises to more clearly understand the importance and existing problems of user portraits, and then formulate a more comprehensive marketing plan to improve market competitiveness and achieve sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Zhao, Y. (2024). Discussion and Innovation of Content Marketing Based on User Portrait Generation -- Taking Salomon as an Example. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 46, 90-95. https://doi.org/10.54097/gwpc1y09