Celebrity Endorsements Driving Brand Growth and Consumer Behavior Insights: A Case Study of Miu Miu


  • Shiyue Chen
  • Ruoxi Wang
  • Rui Wang




celebrities, brand endorsements, consumer psychology, consumer behavior analysis.


Researchers have found that celebrity endorsements have a significant impact on brand fandom effects; however, there is still a lack of a unified explanation for the underlying consumer psychology and behavioral issues. With the increasing prevalence of celebrity endorsements, consumer reactions to such marketing strategies have become an important topic in the current research field. Scholars have observed that celebrity endorsements play an important role in enhancing brand fandom effects, yet the psychological motivations and behavioral patterns in this process lack a unified theoretical framework for complete explanation. Therefore, the core of this study is to explore how celebrity endorsements can promote significant progress for brands in the market. The study adopts a process tracing method in case study analysis, focusing on an in-depth exploration from the perspectives of consumer psychology and purchasing behavior. Through this method, the study aims to reveal how celebrity endorsements affect consumer perceptions, attitudes, and ultimate purchasing decisions, and how these factors collectively contribute to the enhancement of brand market performance. By leveraging spokespersons who are highly aligned with the brand image and have a positive image, and through extensive multi-channel dissemination, Miu Miu has successfully sparked heated discussions on social media, and its sales have also achieved significant growth, thus occupying a leading position in the luxury goods market. The brand's strategy focuses on in-depth market insight, flexible communication methods, and continuous strategy optimization, providing valuable references and insights for brands in various industries.


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How to Cite

Chen, S., Wang, R., & Wang, R. (2024). Celebrity Endorsements Driving Brand Growth and Consumer Behavior Insights: A Case Study of Miu Miu. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 46, 96-101. https://doi.org/10.54097/ym3e1k84