Research on the Influencing Factors of Consumer Perceived Value on the Purchase Intention of New Energy Vehicles


  • Denghao Yang



Purchase intention; new energy vehicles; functional quality.


In recent years, new energy vehicles have been widely loved by Chinese audiences and have formed an increasingly fierce development trend. The study of the sales factors of new energy vehicles is conducive to the development of the industry and the new energy industry. Based on SOR theory, this paper analyzes the factors influencing the audience's purchase intention. In this study, the questionnaire survey method and data analysis were used to set the independent variables as perceived functional value, perceived emotional value, and perceived social value, and the dependent variable was the audience's purchase intention. Analysis shows that three perceived values will affect their purchase intention and exhibit a positive correlation. The concept of environmental protection also plays a positive regulatory role. Therefore, new energy vehicle manufacturers should focus on improving the functional quality of vehicles, promoting technology research and development, providing customers with a better driving emotional experience, and cooperating with the government to improve the visibility of new energy vehicles.


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How to Cite

Yang, D. (2024). Research on the Influencing Factors of Consumer Perceived Value on the Purchase Intention of New Energy Vehicles. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 46, 209-214.