The Impact of Sufficient Infrastructure Investment on Regional Macro-economy – Taking California High-Speed Rail Project vs LaGuardia Airport Reconstruction Project as Examples


  • Wenyuan Wang



Infrastructure investment; macroeconomic growth; regional competitiveness; California High-Speed Rail; LaGuardia Airport.


This paper employs case study methodologies to scrutinize the macroeconomic ramifications of the California High-Speed Railway project and the LaGuardia Airport reconstruction project on the regional economy and explore the multidimensional impact of infrastructure initiatives on their regional economies. It delves into the multifaceted impacts of infrastructure investments in fostering regional economic expansion, augmenting employment opportunities, and bolstering regional competitiveness. The research approach integrates qualitative analysis, invoking pivotal economic theories to substantiate the comprehensive assessment of these two monumental projects' effects on the regional economy, encompassing social responsibility, sustainability, and governmental governance. The California High-Speed Railway Project facilitates the circulation of economic resources within California and the connectivity and commercial development of small and medium-sized cities by building a convenient high-speed transportation network that reduces dependence on car travel. Conversely, the LaGuardia Airport Redevelopment Project strengthens New York's function as a global transportation hub and an important port on the East Coast by upgrading the airport's aviation infrastructure and logistics clearance efficiency. Studies have shown that these infrastructure investment projects create many jobs, improve the labor market's employment flexibility and social inclusiveness, and promote sustainable development that reduces costs and increases efficiency through green building and energy-saving and emission-reduction technologies. This paper comprehensively verifies the endogenous growth theory and regional competition theory as a strategy for future investment in the construction of metropolitan infrastructure. It provides empirical support and scientific optimization suggestions for policy.


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How to Cite

Wang, W. (2024). The Impact of Sufficient Infrastructure Investment on Regional Macro-economy – Taking California High-Speed Rail Project vs LaGuardia Airport Reconstruction Project as Examples. Highlights in Business, Economics and Management, 46, 251-257.