Design and Implementation of Satellite ADS-B Receiver


  • Jingyi Qian
  • Min Wu
  • Feng Zhou
  • Min Zhang



ADS-B, Receiver, Monitoring


With the rapid development of Chinese aviation industry, the amount of air flights has increased rapidly, and the traditional ground radar surveillance system has a limited geographic range, while the satellite ADS-B surveillance system has the advantages of all-time, all-weather, large-scale, and long-distance. It is an effective supplement to the aircraft ground monitoring system. This paper conducts research from the satellite ADS-B receiver system functions, technical indicators, hardware design, software design, structural design, etc., and establishes a test environment to prove that the satellite ADS_B receiver performance index design meets the technical requirements and has high application value.


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How to Cite

Qian, J., Wu, M., Zhou, F., & Zhang, M. (2022). Design and Implementation of Satellite ADS-B Receiver. Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology, 7, 100-108.