Positive and Negative Effects of Using Animals as Humans’ Entertainment Purposes


  • Zhipei Hu




Animal entertainment, animal abuse, circuses, zoos, natural reserves.


Animals have been used for human beings’ entertainment for centuries. The problem existed now will be whether humans should stop using animals for their entertainment purposes or not. This study analyzes the causes and consequences of using animals for humans’ entertainment and compares the benefits and drawbacks resulted from it in order to give out appropriate measures to solve the problem of animals being abused by humans. This study first introduces the history of animals being used as humans’ entertainment purposes and then it analyzes the reasons behind this. It mainly discusses about the effects that animals being used as humans’ entertainment purposes can result in, including both negative ones and positive ones. It then quotes multiple perspectives towards the phenomenon, including opponents arguing that animals should never be used for human beings' entertainment because they also deserve to have their freedoms as humans do, and advocates suggesting that people catching animals in cages is sometimes actually helping them. Finally, it suggests appropriate courses of action to solve the issue. Encouraging people to stop supporting zoos and circuses that are not yet proven to have suitable treatments towards animals and shutting down zoos and circuses having cruel treatments towards animals will be the next steps to relieve the phenomenon. This study is hoped to raise people’s awareness of being concerned with those animals that are suffered from humans’ cruel treatments and change some animal conservationists’ stereotype that using animals for humans’ entertainment is always unethical.


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How to Cite

Hu, Z. (2023). Positive and Negative Effects of Using Animals as Humans’ Entertainment Purposes. Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology, 69, 142-147. https://doi.org/10.54097/hset.v69i.11896