The Connection between Dark Energy and the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe


  • Wenjia Jin



The origin of the universe, dark energy, the expansion of the universe is accelerating.


In the current astronomical research, the study of the formation and evolution of the universe is a very important part of the content, and the study of the accelerating expansion of the universe and dark energy plays an important role in it. This paper systematically introduces the background of the evolution of the universe, the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe, and the advantages and disadvantages of different dark energy models. Firstly, the importance of cosmological research is discussed, starting from the Big Bang theory, the evolution process of the universe is introduced. Then, the paper focuses on the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe, introduces the concept of dark energy, describes the history, basic characteristics, and models of dark energy in detail, and discusses the basis of dark energy observation. What’s more, the paper goes on to delve into the mechanisms behind the accelerating expansion of the universe, highlighting the key role of dark energy in the process. The advantages and disadvantages of the different three dark energy models, and their possible effects on the accelerated expansion of the universe are analyzed. Finally, the paper summarizes the importance of the study of dark energy and the accelerating expansion of the universe to promote the development of cosmological theory and points out the direction of future research and possible progress.


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How to Cite

Jin, W. (2024). The Connection between Dark Energy and the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe. Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology, 104, 27-33.