Research on Binary Black Hole Systems by Analysis of Gravitational Waves


  • Yanhan Wang



Gravitational waves, Binary systems, LIGO.


The mass ratio, effective spin, and chirp mass are three important properties to describe the binary systems of black holes. The gravitational wave sources can be a breakthrough in the investigation of black holes. The formation of black holes is a significant problem to solve as the electromagnetic waves (light) cannot escape from the black hole, and the gravitational waves can be emitted when the binary systems of black holes or neutron stars merge. Based on the detection of gravitational waves, the process of the formation of black holes can be traced and studied in the binary black holes and primordial black holes formed in the early universe. The mass ratio distribution is plotted to investigate the difference between the binary black hole and neutron star black hole and the mass ratio which makes it easier for the merger of the black holes to happen. The investigation of the effective spin helps classify the model of the formation of black holes as there are five models of the black hole. The statistical model can be tested with the chosen data, and the cumulative standard Gaussian distribution is used in this paper. The result states that the model is not suitable for the chosen data and another statistical model should be introduced to analyse the effective spin. These parameters are all important for determining the stage and formation process of the binary systems.


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How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2024). Research on Binary Black Hole Systems by Analysis of Gravitational Waves. Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology, 104, 47-53.