Research on Light Pollution Based on Comprehensive Evaluation Model
Light Pollution, Light Pollution Lrevention and Control, Comprehensive Evaluation Model.Abstract
With the rapid development of technology and economy, the place where live has become more shining and prosperous. But while can enjoy a more technological and modern living environment, it has also caused a lot of light pollution problems. Light pollution is not only harmful to human physiology and psychology, but also destroys the balance of the ecological environment. Therefore, the determination of light pollution risk levels and the development of intervention strategies for light pollution have received our attention. First, the paper screened out 12 indicators from five categories of light pollution indicators as factors affecting the light pollution level by hierarchical analysis, and derived the comprehensive weights of each indicator with the help of entropy weighting method and hierarchical analysis method and combined with related literature. Finally, the scores of the research subjects were calculated and ranked by the Topsis method, which was used as a measure to judge the degree of light pollution in an area. In applying the metric to four different types of locations, adjustments were made in the data of the environmental brightness index, and subsequently the scores of the four locations were obtained along the lines of Model 1.
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