The effect of setting retarder composition on the setting times of concrete


  • Fenghua Tong
  • Hailong Zhao
  • Shengwei Hao
  • Zhilong Li
  • Long Wang
  • Hongli Zhu



Retarder, concrete, setting time.


Retard is a kind of admixture to delay the concrete hardening. There are a lot of different kinds of retards. The research aims to investigate the effect of different retards on the setting times of concrete. In the paper, the effect of the type and dosage of retards on the setting times of concrete will be systematically researched. This research will provide a guidance for the usage of different retards.


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How to Cite

Tong, F., Zhao, H., Hao, S., Li, Z., Wang, L., & Zhu, H. (2024). The effect of setting retarder composition on the setting times of concrete. Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology, 117, 51-56.