Character Motion Synthesis: A Survey


  • Jingtong Xu



Motion Synthesis, Survey, motion generation.


Character Motion Synthesis is a huge cost when it comes to film, game, and design productions using traditional methods of motion synthesis. However, there are newly designed ways to generate motions, which are efficient and economical compared to traditional methods. This paper presents an overview of different types of novel methods to synthesize motions. This paper will introduce Audio-Driven and Music-Driven Motion Synthesis, Generative Models and Frameworks for Motion Synthesis, Human and Object Interaction. Character and Pet Motion Synthesis, Grasp and Hand Object Interactions, and Motion Retargeting and Editing, assembling and summarizing separate articles.


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How to Cite

Xu, J. (2024). Character Motion Synthesis: A Survey. Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology, 118, 171-178.