Application of prognostic and health management in avionics system


  • Na Jiang
  • Chunpeng Zhang
  • Yang Cao
  • Rixin Zhan



Prognostic and health management, Aircraft avionics systems, Health management


Currently, most aircraft avionics systems are maintained based on reported failures or periodic system replacement. However, the evolution of prognostic and health management (PHM) concepts from mechanical to electronic systems and further to avionics system maintenance has been driven by changes in weapon platform procurement and support requirements. At the same time, with the increasing complexity of avionics design, integrated modular avionics (IMA) came into being. The appearance of IMA design concept marks the gradual transition of avionics system from distributed joint architecture to integrated architecture, which also provides the foundation for PHM technology to be applied to avionics system. This paper reviews the application and research status of predictive and health management system technology in avionics system.


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How to Cite

Jiang, N., Zhang, C., Cao, Y., & Zhan, R. (2022). Application of prognostic and health management in avionics system. Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology, 7, 1-9.