Research on the Phenomenon of Frequent Job Changes among Young People in China


  • Ning Gao



Job-hopping, Young Chinese People, Causes, Employment Views


Nowadays, the phenomenon of job hopping in Chinese enterprises is becoming more and more serious. This article takes the phenomenon of frequent job changes among young people in China as a backdrop and analyzes the reasons that influence it from the perspectives of both companies and employees. This paper employs a questionnaire to collect data and analyzes the collected data to draw conclusions. The analysis of the survey results reveals that various factors, such as young people's employment prospects, their expectations for ideal jobs, the alignment between their academic majors and actual jobs, and other factors, contribute to the phenomenon of young people frequently changing jobs to varying degrees. The research findings indicate a significant positive correlation between the self-identity and organizational identity of the post-90s generation and their intention to leave their current jobs. Additionally, the disparity between corporate promises and reality has implications for the turnover of young job seekers, as it increases the likelihood of younger employees leaving the company. Furthermore, the employment prospects of young workers also play a role in their tendency to switch jobs frequently. Finally, this study provides recommendations at four levels: government, enterprises, educational institutions, and young employees themselves.


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How to Cite

Gao, N. (2024). Research on the Phenomenon of Frequent Job Changes among Young People in China. Academic Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 6(1), 110-113.