Analysis of Research Hotspots and Trends in Autism Eye Movement Studies Based on CiteSpace Software


  • Yiying Wang



Autism, Eye Movement Research, Citespace, Trend Analysis, Cluster Analysis


The analysis of hot spots and trends in autism eye movement research is of great significance to the further development of autism research. This paper uses 915 valid documents screened from the Web of Science Core Collection database as a sample, and uses CiteSpace 6.1R6 software to analyze the hot spots and future research trends of autism eye movement research from 2008 to 2023. The study shows that in recent years, the research in this field has generally shown an upward trend, but it has shown a downward trend after reaching a peak in 2021; the cooperation between authors needs to be strengthened; each cluster in this field has a relatively clear research theme, and the keywords contained in the cluster are closely related; the latest research hotspot is artistic features (autistic trait).


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How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2024). Analysis of Research Hotspots and Trends in Autism Eye Movement Studies Based on CiteSpace Software. Academic Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 8(1), 1-7.