Research on Animal Communication Ethics of Platform Media


  • Ziyan Zhang



Animal, Digital Media, Domestication


Digital media has a comprehensive penetration of ordinary people's daily life by virtue of the presence of diverse forms and multiple realities, and reshapes human perception, realizing the impact on people's cognition. Therefore, for the ordinary audience who are "separated" and have no "animal experience", the cognition of animals comes from the construction of animals by digital media to a large extent, and this construction itself is divorced from the imagination of animals in real natural life. Based on the analysis of the current communication practice of animal short videos and live broadcasts, this paper attempts to explore the problems existing in the construction of the relationship between animals and humans by digital media, and through specific cases to demonstrate the domestication logic of human beings and animals behind animal short videos and live broadcasts, as well as the spiritual hallucination and "ambiguity of human beings and animals" caused by the spectacular drama and entertainment of animals with the help of digital media .


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How to Cite

Zhang , Z. (2024). Research on Animal Communication Ethics of Platform Media. Academic Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 8(1), 46-51.