The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Turnover Intentions of Employees in Steel Companies
Person-Organization Fit, Turnover Intention, Steel CompaniesAbstract
Turnover intention can be effectively used to predict the actual turnover behavior of employees (Zhang, X. et al., 2020). Employers and policymakers can provide intervention if employees’ turnover intentions can be correctly predicted, thus prevent actual turnover behavior from occurring (Matilde, L. et al.,2022). One of the main reasons employees leave their jobs is the mismatch between the individual and the organization. Kristof defined person-organization fit as compatibility between an individual and an organization that includes congruence and complementarity, where congruence is a consistent match between the individual and the organization's characteristics, and complementarity includes demand-supply fit and demand-ability fit (Kristof-Brown, A. et al., 2023). Study shows that individual-organizational fit is negatively associated with employees' willingness to leave (Kakar et al.,2019; Bernardo, A. L. et al., 2023). However, further research is necessary to confirm whether the finding is valid for different companies and to what extent is the effect, if there is. A study on the steel industry, having a big labor force may be considered as focus of the study.
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