New-Quality Productive Forces: Theoretical Frameworks and Policy Implications in the Digital Economy Era


  • Haoxuan Yin
  • Haichu Pan
  • Junbo Chen
  • Yunting Fan



New Productivity, Digital Economy, Comparative Politics, Collaborative Governance, Policy Implications


With the rise of the digital economy, new productivity is becoming a key driving force for economic growth and social change. With artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other technologies as the core, and data-driven, intelligent decision-making and collaborative innovation as the distinctive characteristics, the new quality productivity puts forward new requirements for traditional production methods and governance models. However, different countries exhibit very different characteristics in managing the new quality of productive forces due to differences in political systems. From the perspective of comparative politics, this paper explores the similarities and differences between democratic and authoritarian political systems, constructs relevant theoretical frameworks, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of policy design and implementation based on the practical experience of typical countries (such as the United States, Germany, China, and Singapore). The results show that in the democratic system, the management model pays more attention to market leadership, data transparency and technological innovation, but there are challenges in data privacy protection and regulatory efficiency. However, under the centralized system, state-led strategic planning has obvious advantages and high policy implementation efficiency, but it may face innovation constraints and privacy disputes brought about by technology centralization. These differences reflect the diversity of resource allocation and governance logic under different systems. This paper further points out that the management of new productivity faces multiple challenges, such as technological ethics, policy lag, transnational collaboration and social inequality, and puts forward policy suggestions, including strengthening the construction of international cooperation framework, promoting multi-party collaborative governance between government and society, and optimizing the balance between social equity and technological innovation. The purpose of this study is to provide theoretical support and practical enlightenment for new quality productivity management in the context of globalization, and to contribute to the sustainable development of the digital economy era.


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How to Cite

Yin, H., Pan, H., Chen, J., & Fan, Y. (2024). New-Quality Productive Forces: Theoretical Frameworks and Policy Implications in the Digital Economy Era. Academic Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 9(2), 116-124.