The Matching Relationship and Formation Mechanism of Supply and Demand Space of Shadow Education: A Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Lanzhou City


  • Juanqin Liu
  • Dehong Lei
  • Zhanfu Luo
  • Wei Zheng



Shadow Education, POI, Supply and Demand Relationship, Formation Mechanism, Main Urban Area of Lanzhou City


Shadow education is an unofficial educational form with specific tutoring groups formed outside the mainstream education system. This study takes the main urban area of Lanzhou City as the research object and uses mathematical modeling methods to specifically identify the supply and demand relationship of shadow education space and analyze its formation mechanism. The results show that: 1) In terms of demand space, the residential space basically presents a continuous patchy distribution, the mainstream education space presents an approximately balanced "point-like" distribution, and the comprehensive demand space presents a distribution trend where continuous residential space and point-like mainstream education space are superimposed. The supply space of shadow education shows an aggregated distribution in the central business district, a transitional distribution in the transition zone, and a scattered distribution in the peripheral zone. 2) The over-supply areas of shadow education are mostly distributed in the prosperous commercial areas of each group, the under-supply areas are mainly distributed in the development zones, shantytowns and other areas with relatively sparse population in the peripheral zone, and the supply balance areas are mainly distributed in the relatively less populated Anning, Xigu and the transitional zones between the central business districts and peripheral zones of each group. 3) The matching relationship between the supply and demand spaces of shadow education is the result of the consideration of two factors in the site selection process of shadow institutions: the dependence on the source of students and the externalities generated by the agglomeration effect.


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How to Cite

Liu, J., Lei, D., Luo, Z., & Zheng, W. (2025). The Matching Relationship and Formation Mechanism of Supply and Demand Space of Shadow Education: A Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Lanzhou City. Academic Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 10(1), 45-54.