Analysis of Drainage Points on Red Tourist Road of Li Dazhao's Former Residence


  • Lijie Ma
  • Xianggao Zhao



Longitudinal section design, Vertical curve element calculation, Longitudinal linear longitudinal slope.


This article is located in the Tangshan Leting County second-class Highway. The total length of the designed road is about 3514 meters and the designed speed is 60 km/h. Vertical section design is to design vertical slope and vertical curve, and calculate the vertical curve elements, pay attention to the combination of horizontal and vertical design; Cross-section design is to determine the shape of cross-section, carry out super-high design and calculate earth-rock work under the condition of considering many factors. This paper analyzes the method of constant gradient arch in cross section and longitudinal section and the method of rotation around the edge of central divider, and mainly analyzes the positive significance of using these two methods to pavement drainage, as well as the impact on the road vehicle operation.


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How to Cite

Ma, L., & Zhao, X. (2023). Analysis of Drainage Points on Red Tourist Road of Li Dazhao’s Former Residence. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 7(1), 162-164.