Research on Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Brushless DC Motor Based on Vector Control


  • Yuxin Wang



Brushless dc motor, Active disturbance rejection control, Vector control, Speed-current double closed loop.


A Active Disturbance Rejection Control strategy based on vector control is proposed to address the problems of poor speed overshooting immunity in the control system of brushless DC motor. The motor magnetic chain and torque are decoupled by vector control method to simplify the control, and the traditional PI controller in the speed loop is replaced by a active disturbance rejection controller. The transition process is arranged by tracking differential (TD) to smooth the given speed, which overcomes the contradiction between speed overshoot and rapidity, and improves the response capability of the system; a second-order extended state observer (ESO) is introduced, which estimates and compensates the total system disturbance and improves the system's immunity to disturbance; and the nonlinear law state error feedback (NLSEF) is utilized by the Through the nonlinear law state error feedback (NLSEF), the control accuracy of the system is improved by utilizing the nonlinear control principle of "large gain with small error and small gain with large error". The simulation results show that the control strategy proposed in this paper is characterized by fast response, no overshooting, strong resistance to load disturbance, and strong robustness to changes in load and speed, which proves the feasibility and advancement of this strategy.


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How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2023). Research on Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Brushless DC Motor Based on Vector Control. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 7(2), 52-60.