Soft Measurement of Road Adhesion Coefficient Volumetric Kalman Filtering


  • Penghao Ji
  • Jiquan Wu



Road adhesion coefficient, Kalman filter, Volumetric Kalman filter.


In order to solve the problem that the road adhesion coefficient is not extensive enough and difficult to obtain in practice, this paper designs a soft measurement method of road adhesion coefficient based on the volumetric Kalman filter theory. A three-degree-of-freedom vehicle estimation model using the Dugoff tyre model is established, and the validity and accuracy of the algorithm are verified with the help of the joint simulation platform of Carsim and Matlab/Simulink. The results show that the estimation error of the proposed estimation algorithm is within 5% under the three road adhesion coefficients, and the initial design can be completed well in terms of accuracy and real-time performance.


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How to Cite

Ji, P., & Wu, J. (2023). Soft Measurement of Road Adhesion Coefficient Volumetric Kalman Filtering. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 7(3), 131-137.