Discussion on the Landscape Design of Urban Parks Under the Background of ' Double Carbon '


  • Qi Zhang
  • Huiting Hua
  • Liqin Ou




Double carbon background, Urban park, Landscape design, Low carbon.


 In view of the landscape design under the background of ' double carbon ', the requirements and principles of practicing ' double carbon ' action are put forward in the planning stage. Based on the existing problems of urban parks and the design idea of ' low carbon ', this study puts forward some design ideas such as carbon emission reduction, carbon substitution, carbon storage and carbon cycle, in order to provide reference value for landscape designers in urban park landscape design.


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How to Cite

Zhang, Q., Hua, H., & Ou, L. (2023). Discussion on the Landscape Design of Urban Parks Under the Background of ’ Double Carbon ’. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 117-121. https://doi.org/10.54097/ajst.v8i1.14007