Research Progress on Toxicity of Typical Trace Pollutants in Reclaimed Water


  • Yilun Dai
  • Yanan Li



Mixture, Combined toxicity, Concentration addition.


 With the continuous development of human society, reclaimed water plays an increasingly important role in human production and life. Although the current sewage treatment process has basically removed a large number of harmful pollutants, some trace pollutants usually exist in the reclaimed water environment at a low concentration (ng/L~ug/L), and may still affect human health through migration and transformation. In recent years, the research on single trace toxic pollutants in reclaimed water has gradually increased, but the combined toxic effects of mixed trace pollutants in reclaimed water are less studied.


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How to Cite

Dai, Y., & Li, Y. (2023). Research Progress on Toxicity of Typical Trace Pollutants in Reclaimed Water. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 122-124.