Food Packaging Target Location and Recognition Technology Based on Machine Vision


  • Ziyu Xiong



Machine vision, Edge detection, Feature extraction, Object identification, Single target location.


In the 21st century, people have an increased demand for food in their lives. Packaging manufacturers product a mass of outer packaging in order to satisfy the demand of food before they access to market for sale. What’s more, food packaging needs to be identified and tested, sorted, and shipped to the food producers. Machine vision has many advantages over than human eyes: high detection efficiency, high accuracy, no controlled by fatigue and so on. So, article takes the outer packaging of food as the research object and research on target location and recognition technology of food packaging based on machine vision was carried out. This article has certain practical application value. The research content is as follows. Firstly, the function of edge detection is recommended. Then three categories of edge detection are introduced. Through the five edge detections are introduced and the experimental results are compared, Canny algorithm is the best scheme. Secondly, this section learns the function and advantages of the HOG. The food packaging image is exacted features with HOG method. Thirdly, this section also introduces the function and the advantage of SIFT. The food packaging image features are taken experiments and recognized. Fourthly, this section recommends the experimental procedure and advantages of single target image location technique. In the end, this article concludes all the experiments and points out the shortcomings of the previous mentioned experimental steps.


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How to Cite

Xiong, Z. (2023). Food Packaging Target Location and Recognition Technology Based on Machine Vision. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 8(1), 149-152.