Plant Configuration and Landscape Construction in Blind Gardens
Garden for the blind; Garden plants; Plant landscaping; Landscape Design.Abstract
In daily life, landscape design often takes able-bodied people as considerations, while ignoring the blind people who lack vision. According to the blind people's psychological needs and the need for space and landscape, based on taking into account the safety of the blind people and the integrity of the landscape structure, The blind garden plant configuration and landscape construction are carried out based on the principles of sex and accessibility. The content of landscape design includes the design of olfactory landscape, tactile landscape, visual landscape, and auditory landscape; barrier-free design mainly relies on barrier-free design of terrain, road design and public facilities; In order to arouse society's attention to the blind and improve urban gardens. The design theory enables the blind to have a space suitable for their own leisure and entertainment activities, enriching their daily lives, and discusses the design principles and plant configurations of the blind garden construction, hoping to provide some reference for the construction of blind landscapes.
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