Study on Anthropomorphic Lane Changing Decision Making for Smart Trucks Based on Driving Behavior
Highway safety, Curved section, Lane changing, Emergency collision avoidance, Minimum safe distance.Abstract
In order to improve the applicability of the lane change decision model to different styles of drivers, especially for trucks with less flexibility and stability of their own, safe and reasonable lane change decisions are more important. In this paper, based on the research of integrating personalized driver styles in automatic lane change control technology, a vehicle lane change decision model considering driver styles is established. Firstly, the HighD dataset is screened and the drivers are classified by driving style using principal component analysis and K-means (K-means) cluster analysis. Secondly, we propose a lane change decision model that takes into account the rationality and safety of lane change by learning human drivers' driving behavior experience through Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method, so as to improve drivers' acceptance and satisfaction of smart cars. Finally, the joint simulation by Simulink/CarSim/PreScan software proves that the lane change decision method based on the driver's style proposed in this study can realize the autonomous lane change task of smart cars.
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