The Coaching Principles Self - Study: Outdoor Sports Events Coach Experiences


  • Yang Sun



Training Plans; Student-Centered Approach; Supportive Environment.


This qualitative descriptive study deals with the coaching principles of outdoor sports events as the coaches’ experience. The study was conducted at the Physical Education and Health Sciences of Chongqing Normal University in China. The researcher utilized 10 coaches of outdoor sports including volleyball, tennis, track and field, and football coaches who were chosen using the purposive sampling. The study therefore recommends that: 1) Coaches should prioritize their own development by staying updated with the latest coaching techniques, sports science, and research. 2) Adopting a student-centered approach involves understanding the unique needs and abilities of each individual on the team. 3) Coaches should develop well-structured training plans and set clear, achievable goals for both the team and individual athletes. 4) Coaches should foster a positive and supportive environment where athletes feel encouraged to learn and grow. 5) Coaches must conduct risk assessments and develop risk management plans to ensure the safety and well-being of their team. 6) Building strong team unity and positive relationships among team members can lead to improved cooperation and performance. 7) Recognizing that athletes have different learning styles and needs, coaches should tailor their teaching methods to accommodate individual differences.


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How to Cite

Sun, Y. (2023). The Coaching Principles Self - Study: Outdoor Sports Events Coach Experiences. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 8(2), 138-142.