Research on Mushroom Image Classification Algorithm Based on Deep Sparse Dictionary Learning


  • Xiyang Guo



Dictionary learning; Sparse representation; Autoencoder; Feature extraction.


The traditional mushroom feature extraction method has low classification efficiency and unsatisfactory effect. Dictionary learning is widely used in image classification. However, the previous work is to learn dictionaries in the original space, which limits the performance of sparse representation classification. In order to solve the problem of spatial redundancy in traditional convolutional neural networks and the weak performance of deep learning in small samples, an improved dictionary learning algorithm, Deep Sparse Dictionary learning (DSDL), is proposed. The input to DSDL is not a matrix gathered from the original grayscale image or a hand-created feature, but rather a relatively deeper feature extraction via a stack autoencoder. Then, a structured dictionary is designed to reconstruct the deep features according to different categories of distinguishing features. In addition, it is necessary to learn the associated structured projection sparse dictionary to ensure that the decoder updates in the direction of the deconvolution operator error is minimal. By utilizing sparse dictionary learning loss functions and autoencoder loss functions, DSDL can simultaneously learn deep latent features and corresponding dictionary pairs. In the testing phase of DSDL, the minimum errors of deep feature and structured projection components for different classes can be directly represented by basic matrix multiplication operations. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a good classification effect on mushroom images, which shows the effectiveness of the method.


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How to Cite

Guo, X. (2024). Research on Mushroom Image Classification Algorithm Based on Deep Sparse Dictionary Learning. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 9(1), 235-240.