Research Progress of Optical Biosensing Technology for Alpha-fetoprotein Detection


  • Yongdong Du



Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is intimately associated with the incidence and progression of liver cancer and various tumors. AFP exhibits elevated concentrations in various tumors, making it a viable positive detection marker for these malignancies. Consequently, the development of precise, ultra-sensitive, and highly selective AFP detection methods is crucial for the early detection and effective monitoring of these life-threatening diseases. Optical biosensors rank among the most efficient detection techniques currently available. These biosensors   possess features such as low cost, high sensitivity, real-time monitoring, and non-invasiveness, making them more suitable for AFP detection compared to other methods. This article reviews the role of this novel biosensor in the early detection of AFP, which holds significant implications for cancer diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Du, Y. (2024). Research Progress of Optical Biosensing Technology for Alpha-fetoprotein Detection. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 9(3), 46-48.