Application of Improved Support Vector Machine in Predicting Failure Pressure of Oil and Gas Pipelines with Internal Corrosion Defects
Improved support vector machine, Submarine oil and gas pipelines, Pipeline internal corrosion, Machine learning, Finite element method.Abstract
In this study, the failure pressure of submarine oil and gas pipelines was predicted by using five commonly used machine learning models and derivative models. Firstly, an efficient local time-intensive finite element algorithm is constructed and used to generate a machine learning database. Secondly, in order to improve the accuracy of machine learning algorithm, the frontier optimization algorithm is improved to form a new predictive regression model IAEO-SVM model. To compare the accuracy of commonly used machine learning models and IAEO-SVM models, a comprehensive evaluation standard consisting of k-fold cross-validation and three statistical indicators was used. Finally, the influence of seawater depth and geometric factors of corrosion defects on the blasting pressure of submarine oil and gas pipelines was comprehensively analyzed through the high-dimensional surface built by the IAEO-SVM model. The IAEO-SVM model shows superior stability and accuracy compared to the comparison model, as demonstrated by its MSE’ of 0.0482, R2’ of 0.9982, MAE’ of 0.1295, and SD of 0.2198. The high-dimensional surface obtained through inversion shows a linear relationship between seawater depth and failure pressure. Meanwhile, the width of corrosion defects has a significant impact on failure pressure, accounting for up to 23% and thus cannot be overlooked.
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