Overview of Numerical Analysis and Optimization Methods for Eddy Current Retarders


  • Yunfei Liao




Eddy current retarder, Numerical analysis, Finite element method, Optimization design method.


Aiming at the analysis and optimization of eddy current retarder, this paper reviews the development of numerical analysis based on finite element method. The characteristics of finite element method and the application of numerical method in the analysis of eddy current retarder are briefly introduced. In terms of algorithm, the different applications of multi-objective genetic algorithm, robustness principle, Taguchi algorithm and Rogowski method in the analysis of important parameters of eddy current retarder are introduced and summarized; In terms of software, the application of commercial software in magnetic field and temperature field is briefly introduced; In industrial practice, the development of numerical simulation methods in the research of braking torque is introduced. On the basis of reviewing the numerical analysis and optimization methods of eddy current retarder, the future of its digital design is prospected.


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How to Cite

Liao, Y. (2022). Overview of Numerical Analysis and Optimization Methods for Eddy Current Retarders. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 3(2), 6-9. https://doi.org/10.54097/ajst.v3i2.2079