Review of Convolutional Neural Network Models and Image Classification


  • Weiqi Hua
  • Chunzhong Li
  • Xinsheng Wang



Convolutional neural network, Image classification, ResNet, ShuffleNet.


With the arrival of the era of big data and the improvement of computing power, deep learning has swept the world. Traditional image classification methods are difficult to deal with the huge image data, and cannot meet the requirements of people on the accuracy and speed of image classification, the image classification method based on convolutional neural network breaks through the bottleneck of the traditional image classification method, and becomes the mainstream algorithm of image classification, how to effectively use convolutional neural network to classify images has become a hot spot of research in the field of computer vision at home and abroad. In this paper, we review the research background, significance and current research status of convolutional neural network model and image classification, study two image classification methods based on ResNet and ShuffleNet, and provide a comprehensive review of the construction methods and characteristics of the two deep convolutional neural network model structures, and finally compare and analyse the performance of the two classification models.


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How to Cite

Hua, W., Li, C., & Wang, X. (2024). Review of Convolutional Neural Network Models and Image Classification. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 10(3), 178-184.