Symbol of Carving of the Ger


  • Molomjamts Munkhdalai



Symbol of Carving, Carving, Ger, art.


The profession of "kheech" (carver) or "kheechin" was created and developed by the people themselves. Woodworkers, especially those working on the ger, use various handmade tools, including base supports, wedges, pegs, and tools for shaping wood, some of which may have interlocking parts. Carving tools include chisels, hand chisels, hammer chisels, repair chisels, and square chisels, in small, medium, and large sizes. The combined art of carving and decorating wood, born from the people’s living environment, evolved into a unique form with distinct colors and regional characteristics. The decoration of the interior wooden parts of the ger began when it became common to use color and paint. This change occurred when people stopped using the sun's position to measure time and started marking the ends of the wooden beams with paint for distinction. The carved patterns on these beams became important markers, with painting used to differentiate and decorate the wooden elements.


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How to Cite

Munkhdalai, M. (2024). Symbol of Carving of the Ger. Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 13(2), 99-101.